Our friends at the New York Post alerted us to the fact that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has issued a stern warning to Cubans and Haitians thinking of escaping

communism in Cuba and the ongoing unrest in Haiti by sailing to the US: Don’t even think about it.
“The time is never right to attempt migration by sea,” Mayorkas said during a news conference reported by the New York Post’s Samuel Chamberlain. “To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.”
Mayorkas, whose own parents fled Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba added that any would-be refugees intercepted by the Coast Guard or any other law enforcement agency would be returned to their country of origin. Those who could provide what Mayorkas called a “well-founded fear of persecution or torture” would be referred to other countries for resettlement.
“They will not enter the United States,” the DHS secretary added according to Mr. Chamberlin’s reporting.
Secretary Mayorkas’s statement pulling the welcome mat came just days after Cubans took to the streets in a rare show of defiance against the country’s communist government, waving American flags and chanting slogans like “Freedom!” “Enough!” and “Unite!”
Social media and online citizen journalists showed protesters being grabbed off the street by Cuba’s secret police and demonstrators with bloodied faces. Communist authorities later shut down internet service in an effort to prevent images of the demonstrations from spreading. However, you can see what’s really going on in Cuba through this horrifying video posted by Dan Bongino.
Liberty-loving Americans should not be surprised at the attitude of Secretary Mayorkas – and his Boss Joe Biden – because that’s been the Democratic Party’s attitude toward Cuban refugees for a long time.
Even though Cuban escapees have a demonstrable and real fear of persecution and death at the hands of Cuba’s communist government, Democrat-led American governments have progressively tightened their admission as refugees.
In a recent email exchange with our friend Shoshana Bryen, she reminded us that it was President Bill Clinton who instituted the wet-foot/dry-foot policy that only gave asylum to those who put one foot on dry US soil, not to anyone caught at sea.
And noted Ms. Bryen, President Obama restricted that policy even further. In a White House statement President Obama said:
"Effective immediately, Cuban nationals who attempt to enter the United States illegally and do not qualify for humanitarian relief will be subject to removal, consistent with U.S. law and enforcement priorities. By taking this step, we are treating Cuban migrants the same way we treat migrants from other countries. The Cuban government has agreed to accept the return of Cuban nationals who have been ordered removed, just as it has been accepting the return of migrants interdicted at sea."
President Obama also ended the Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program, which allowed Cuban doctors and other medical personnel to seek temporary legal status in the U.S. Obama said the program "risks harming the Cuban people" and that such personnel are still eligible to seek asylum at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad.
It is also worth noting that President Bill Clinton sent a heavily armed SWAT team to return to Cuba child-refugee Elian Gonzalez, whose mother died getting him to relatives in America, after communist authorities demanded he be sent back.
Why Biden and Mayorkas have left the southern border completely open and imported thousands of economic migrants, drug cartel gangbangers and potential terrorists into the United States while doing everything they can to stymie the flight and refuge of those fleeing communist oppression is a baffling question to some – but we have the only logical answer.
It's all about how the refugees and migrants are likely to vote when they become citizens.
Cubans fleeing communist oppression are much more likely to see the socialist policies of the new Democratic Party as the threat they are, and oppose them, than are the economic migrants from Central America, who have come here in the expectation of gaining amnesty and staying. Thus, the group of legitimate refugees from communist oppression in Cuba are likely Republican voters, to be kept out, while those who have come in response to the Democrats’ lure of amnesty are likely Democrat voters, to be allowed in, it’s as simple as that.
Cuba protests
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Sailing to U.S.
Joe Biden administration
Cuban refugees
Obama ends Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program
Elian Gonzalez
illegal immigration
In the Biden/Mayorkas world, crossing the sea is risky, but trudging across the desert while being led by Coyotes who rape 2/3 of the women and children is not. We must get rid of these Marxist political hacks.
The white House is void of leadership, the oval office has turned into an old man's home, hey, let's fly somewhere and get dome ice cream. Thank You Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas threatens to arrest the democrats who deserted their post, neglected their sworn duty, think we should return to the days of Judge Roy Beam who loved Texas, honored the law and it's responsibilities, not like big mouth democrats who are only interested in self indulgement of communism/socialism. Those who fled Texas never would never be the type to stand and fight like the hero's of the Alamo. The hypocrite democrats want open borders in Texas, yet closed borders for Cubans, they won't vote for communism, like the…
Once again, my fellow democrats we can't have election reform, it's not good for us, we need election fraud to stay open as an option, for our party, this is how I got elected, look what we managed to do, to this country. Hunter and I spent many hours discussing this matter, have to admit some of those hours were in China, an the many tax funded trips paid for by the tax payor. Hunter and I will be eternally grateful for these financial gains bestowed to us, form our Chinese friends etc. etc. etc. We have commissioned him to paint in secret for friends who wish to bestow additional funds to the Biden's, of course this is just not…
Democrats know that liberated Cubans in Miami voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and new Cubans will too. If you love freedom, you hate Socialism and therefore today's Democrats and President Biden's Admin.
The author states, "Cubans fleeing communist oppression are much more likely to see the socialist policies of the new Democratic Party as the threat they are, and oppose them, than are the economic migrants from Central America, who have come here in the expectation of gaining amnesty and staying. Thus, the group of legitimate refugees from communist oppression in Cuba are likely Republican voters, to be kept out, while those who have come in response to the Democrats’ lure of amnesty are likely Democrat voters, to be allowed in, it’s as simple as that." 100% correct. That is the essence of Cuban issue. This administration believes in the protection of border when it comes to Cubans fleeing their country due…