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Gaffney: Stop the CCP’s Chemical Warfare Against America

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

"Roughly 300 Americans a day are dying from these drugs coming in through the cartels and emanating from China," Republican Rep. Brian Babin of Texas recently told Charlotte Hazard of Just the News. "It is horrible."

Our friend Frank Gaffney echoed Rep. Babin's charges in his latest "Secure Freedom Minute" arguing that Communist China and Mexican drug cartels are waging “chemical warfare on the United States of America and there should be some real accountability for both of those entities.”

Mr. Gaffney called fentanyl the CCP's "weapon of choice." Fentanyl, a medical drug China manufactures that is so powerful even tiny quantities consumed unwittingly can be deadly. The CCP uses, among other techniques, narco-terrorist gangs that control our southern border to smuggle it here, killing some 100,000 narcotics users and other Americans yearly.

The NIH reported deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone (primarily fentanyl) have continued to rise with 56,516 overdose deaths reported in 2020 – that’s over half of all drug overdose deaths for that year.

Beijing has repeatedly promised to stop this practice – something it could easily do given China’s Orwellian surveillance state, noted Gaffney. But it hasn’t. And now there are reports fentanyl-laced candy is headed our way, potentially putting at risk our young children, too.

And the fentanyl attack is just one axis in Communist China’s asymmetric war against the United States.

In addition to the fentanyl deaths, we have approximately 1.05 million Americans who died with or of the COVID-19 virus that the Chinese Communists released in what was, to me and other observers, a very obvious proof of concept biological weapons attack on the United States.

Biden, thoroughly corrupted and compromised by the Chinese Communists has done nothing to address either of these Chinese Communist attacks on the United States, and Democrats even decried as “xenophobia” the modest steps former President Trump took to hold the Red Chinese accountable for the release of the COVID-19 bioweapon against us.

As Frank Gaffney said in his must-listen Secure Freedom Minute “The Chinese Communists are at war with America. It’s past time we make it cost them.”

  • 2022 Elections

  • Control of Congress

  • Drugs on the southern border

  • fentanyl

  • Chinese Communist Party

  • illegal immigration

  • Mexican cartels

  • chemical warfare

  • overdose deaths

  • naro-terrorist gangs

  • NIH

  • fentanyl-laced candy

  • COVID-19

  • bioweapons

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3 Kommentare

21. Sept. 2022

If Americans of any age are stupid enough to use fentanyl (or any other drugs), they will get no sympathy from me. Like so many other problems we face, bad parenting is to blame. If you raise your child right, they won't want any fentanyl.

Fentanyl coming across our porous southern border should be the least of our worries, folks.

Gefällt mir

21. Sept. 2022

Yes, the CCP is at war with us and we just don't get it. Why is America always so slow to respond to an enemy?

Gefällt mir
21. Sept. 2022
Antwort an

We should ask Jimmy Carter! He gave us our "One China" nightmare and an incredibly bad foreign policy that began with the U.S. allowing the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. It's been all downhill ever since.

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