TO: Conservative Grassroots Leaders
FROM: Richard A. Viguerie
DATE: September 7, 2022
RE: 4th Paul Revere Lantern
SUBJECT: It is 1934. Hitler is in The White House. What can you do about it?
For conservatives, Republicans, and Trump supporters watching Joe Biden’s chilling speech

in Philadelphia last week streamed from what looked like an evil Hollywood movie set—the message was clear, “They are coming for us.”
They Are Coming for Us
74 million Americans were suddenly declared less-than-human targets by the man who swore to represent all Americans. It was a shocking spectacle—but not without precedent.
Surely such a stunt will hurt the Democrats deeply going into the midterm elections, right? Well, not necessarily. But that is where you and I come in. The Democrats are desperately trying to craft the narrative about conservatives in order to take over yet another election. They are saying that WE are a threat to democracy. But it is actually them!
If Rush Limbaugh were alive today, he would be on full attack mode. But his voice is sadly silent. Patriotic, conservative Americans must rush, so to speak, to BRAND the modern Democrat Party, led by a clearly Hitleresque character, as so toxic to national unity and our constitutional republic that they must all be turned out on their ears. Immediately. 1930s German history should be all we need to know to decode what is at stake here. Rank-and-file Germans did not speak up when they still could make a difference!
We Must Learn from History or Be Doomed to Repeat It
What we witnessed in Philadelphia last week was truly scary. The unhinged Democrats are beyond frightening as they follow in the footsteps of their violent, tyrannical socialist and Communist heroes.
This was the ultimate display of the pot calling the kettle black as a dictatorial Biden, lit in red and flanked by U.S. Marines, called half of the country fascists who are endangering democracy. On the contrary, that was decidedly the most fascist speech ever given in front of a microphone by an occupant of The White House.
We Must Sustain Our Campaign to Show the Democrats’ True Colors!
While some Democrats in the media are trying to distance themselves from his hateful rhetoric, and Biden himself even tried to feebly backpedal the next day after facing backlash, the volley was lobbed. And we need to take this latest open assault and run with it—we cannot let the Democrats get away with portraying conservative Trump voters as not human and un-American. We must take control of this false narrative, and reverse it—both for the short-term, and so history will get it right. We simply have to do this—right now.
Is Humor a Good Weapon in This War?
Fox News’ Greg Gutfield mocked Biden’s speech as “Darth Vader in Depends.” He said it looked like a dystopian movie trailer with a dead president being played by a hologram. Gutfield noted that Joe Biden has launched a war on us, and perhaps the best defense should be one of humor—we should mock this speech as one of the funniest moments in American history.
It did not take social media channels very long to come up with hilarious memes to commemorate the speech. One meme asked, “Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Biden’s speech in the original German?”
Now, We Take Action—Spread the Word!
As a Paul Revere Lantern leader, we urge you to spread the word in your circles of influence and do not let the Democrats get away with this appalling stunt. Keep the conversation flowing on this bone-chilling speech. Post your opinions about it in whatever format you can produce—and repost the great work of others.
Please utilize the resources we have collected for you on this topic that are linked here—and share them far and wide! Do not let them galvanize the left to hate people on the right! Hardworking Americans just want to survive—and when they tuned in they expected to hear about what the Democrats plan to do about inflation and rising crime—not hateful, overly political vitriol.
If the Democrats insist on waging a sustained campaign against half the country, we had better be ready with sustained rebuttals as we hold their feet to the fire!
How Can You Help Save America?
You love this nation or you would not be on this mailing list, so all steps that you can take in an effort to educate others about the truth are excellent uses of your time and talent!
Check out our previous posts about how to activate your sharing network. Click here for a list of items, articles, and videos for you to use. Stay tuned for another helpful edition of The Paul Revere Lantern soon! You are the leader we all need.
We must all be talking about the Democrats’ outrageous policies—and the dangerous Marxist agenda behind it all.
P.S. I’m sending the Paul Revere Lantern to 400,000 grassroots conservatives weekly. However, in order to reach 100,000,000 voters 5 days a week with 15-20 new conservative news stories that the Big Media has kept from them, we’ll need to increase the number of conservatives receiving our daily Paul Revere Lantern to 5,000,000.
However, it will cost $8,700,000, and I will need your help.
Some can give a lot, others much less. But whatever you send will make a difference. No other conservative organization is doing what we’re doing. If we don’t raise the $8,700,000, tens of millions of voters won’t hear the truth before voting.
This project can help elect 5-10 more conservative U.S. House members, and several more U.S. Senators, governors, and hundreds of state legislators in tight races.
Because Paul Revere Lantern is a project of FedUp PAC, an independent expenditure PAC, we can accept donations of any amount, including corporate contributions.
P.P.S. By the way, the results of last week’s survey, as well as a new survey for grassroots conservative leaders are at our website,
2022 Elections
Control of Congress
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Right to life
Critical Race Theory
illegal immigration
religious liberty
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social conservatism
Second Amendment
gun confiscation
free speech
I think the television networks knew Biden was going to make a fool of himself and their refusal to broadcast the speech was an attempt to hide it from the majority of citizens. In that regard, they were successful. Had more people seen it, the blowback would have been monumental. I love that one post: “Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Biden’s speech in the original German?” It says it all.
Wow...when did conservatives become such bit@#e$ ?? Some of the commentary here looks straight out of the Rules for Radicals Playbook of disheartening the enemy. Since we have a voice...we have a vote. If the democrats go for the steal again, hopefully we have a platoon of Dinesh D'Souzas ready, poll watchers recording, IT pros at the ready with analytics to counter the scams. Fool us once...shame on you, fool us twice...nope we won't be fooled again:
The Who said it best:
We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgment of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song
Wow. I wasn't discouraged till I read some of these comments of resignation! How much it reminded me of life in Cuba during the Castro "Retro-lution". I'm sure readers from Venezuela experienced similar thoughts. And, students of the history of Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Mao's China and so many more religious and political tyrannies, will certainly share similar thoughts. In the words of Edmund Burke: all that it takes for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I would add: "...or start reacting too late."
What can we do?
Well, the first thing is not to throw up our hands in fear, shrug in resignation or wait on God to do something. [God helps thos…
Richard Viguerie's Paul Revere Lantern Project needs prayer even more than $$$!
So let's all put our hands together and pray hard!