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Michigan Conservatives Make The Closing Argument Every Republican Candidate Should Make

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Last Friday we shared five election-winning ads conservative Republicans are running in

some of this year’s closest campaigns and urged CHQ readers to share them with family, friends, church and civic organization contacts who might be uninformed or unmotivated to vote.

Today, we have an ad that the conservative Michigan Freedom Network is running reminding voters what Democrats do when they are given unfettered power.

While the ad is running to help Tudor Dixon, Michigan’s conservative Republican candidate for Governor, its message applies to virtually every Democrat incumbent in this year’s election.

According to Federal Reserve research some in the first year of the pandemic 200,000 businesses closed permanently due to lockdowns and other pandemic-related policies. These closures were overwhelmingly in small business and individual proprietorships and the service-related sector, such as barbers and nail salons. Hotels and accommodations were also drastically affected. found in all, 22% of small businesses permanently closed their doors in February of 2021. According to a Facebook and the Small Business Roundtable report, this 22% indicates a 14% increase from October 2020 to January 2022.

Furthermore, 27% of small and medium-sized businesses had to reduce their workforce, with 48% of these companies having to lay off at least half their employees.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 4.4 million US establishments cut back on personnel, this means that 52% of business establishments told their employees to stop working for some time during the pandemic (with or without pay).

It is worth noting that these Democrat policies drove business away from mostly conservative Main Street small businesses to Democrat-aligned mega corporations, such as Amazon and Walmart, that were exempted from lockdowns.

The policies of Michigan’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer (and Democrats in other states) of forcing nursing homes to take recovering COVID patients led to a holocaust of the elderly. In Michigan the state's auditor general reported 8,061 deaths in nursing homes – and naturally, Whitmer tried to lie her way out of responsibility for that disaster, just as other Democrat Governors, like New York’s Andrew Cuomo, did.

Democrat-caused inflation has been so widely covered, even in the establishment media, that the economic disaster visited upon America’s working families by Biden and his Democrat allies hardly needs to be reinforced.

No one is fooled about why gasoline has hit record highs during the first two years of Joe Biden’s presidency. It’s not “Putin’s price hike,” it’s because Biden has done everything possible to reduce the supply of crude oil produced here in America, and even the dullest low-information voter knows it.

Same with electricity and food – Biden’s policies to put coal out of business and raise the cost of fossil-based fertilizers are driving the vast cost increases, and everyone knows it.

The effects of Democrat lockdown policies – coordinated with corrupt teachers’ unions – fell with disastrous consequences on children in Michigan and through Democrat-controlled states.

According to the Detroit News, Michigan's 2021 state assessment scores dropped in math and social studies for all grades tested. Michigan is in the bottom 10 states for Black students in fourth-grade reading, according to the 2019 National Assessment for Educational Progress, which is the most recent available national assessment data.

The New York Times reported a Harvard study found students who stayed home for most of 2020-21 fared much worse than student who attended class in person. On average, they lost the equivalent of about 50 percent of a typical school year’s math learning during the study’s two-year window.

Even the New York Times was forced to admit "... schools with large numbers of poor students were more likely to go remote. Why? Many of these schools are in major cities, which tend to be run by Democratic officials, and Republicans were generally quicker to reopen schools. High-poverty schools are also more likely to have unionized teachers, and some unions lobbied for remote schooling."

And, thanks to Gretchen Whitmer and her Democrat allies, Michigan now has four of the top 20 most violent cities in the nation, including Saginaw, Detroit, Kalamazoo and Lansing. Saginaw in 2021 overtook Detroit as the Michigan city with the highest violent crime rate. The two cities are ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the nation.

Sterling Heights recorded 121 violent crimes in the second quarter of 2022, up from 105 during the previous year's period, a 15% increase, making it the only Michigan community in the report to record a violent crime increase other than Ann Arbor, which had 156 violent crimes in the second quarter of 2022, and 155 during the same period the previous year.

The number of crimes in Michigan increased at a more rapid pace than the national average. The total number of violent crimes in Michigan increased 4.7%. Michigan's second most populous city, Grand Rapids, saw murders more than double from six to 13 year over year. The numbers might very well be worse, but the Detroit News reported 40% of departments are no longer reporting their crime statistics to the FBI.

Finally, we conservatives should never let voters forget about the cruel hypocrisy of Democrats like Gretchen Whitmer. While Whitmer was literally locking people in their homes and prohibiting all travel and outside activities, even solitary pursuits like gardening, she was partying with friends, flying around the country in a private jet to visit family and her husband was getting their boat in the water.

The Washington Post reported Whitmer was one of 13 diners who congregated at the Landshark Bar and Grill, near Michigan State University in East Lansing. The group pushed several tables together, ordered the bar’s signature bright blue “shark bowl” cocktails, and chatted without masks — despite a statewide rule she put in place May 15, 2021, that restricted indoor dining to no more than six at a table.

And Gretchen Whitmer was not alone among Democrats who used their newly acquired arbitrary power to destroy their citizens’ livelihoods and mental health while they partied at expensive restaurants and violated their own lockdown rules.

Millions of Americans had their lives and businesses destroyed by lockdowns, vax mandates and other arbitrary, unscientific policies Gretchen Whitmer and other Democrat government officials and their allies among medical, business, and cultural gatekeepers imposed during the pandemic.

The message those millions of Americans took away from that experience was that their self-appointed “betters” don’t give a damn about them and their families. Don’t let Gretchen Whitmer and other Democrat incumbents off the hook when you vote tomorrow.

  • 2022 Elections

  • Control of Congress

  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer

  • Tudor Dixon

  • Michigan

  • Kristina Karamo for Michigan Secretary of State

  • Jocelyn Benson

  • Election fraud

  • Voter ID

  • John James

  • traditional family values

  • abortion

  • Moms for Liberty

  • Parents Right to Know Act

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Nov 09, 2022

Michigan for death and destruction. They are brain dead fools. They saw what this governor did to their State, she murder seniors in nursing homes, she destroyed businesses, she locked out children from schools and now they are dumber than kids in other states. She has tried to shut down the pipe line in Michigan, she runs with criminals, she went on vacation to Florida all the while you couldn't visit your dying grandparents in nursing homes. You stupid lazy people voted her back in so you could kill babies because you have no morals and can't control your own bodies. You people in Michigan who voted for this unamerican liar just helped destroy what was left of Michigan. Ma…


Mike M
Mike M
Nov 07, 2022

I'm tempted to wonder why liberals aka Democrats aka Communists hate this country so much. But in reality the answer is quite simple. Without exception all liberals are children of the devil and like their father Satan they hate and despise everyone and everything that's good.

Mike M
Mike M
Nov 08, 2022
Replying to

I could name quite a few others as well but those two would be an excellent start.


Nov 07, 2022

The biggest problem is that many Republicans, both candidates and current office holders, are not conservative. The GOP is not itself conservative. Historically, they prefer moderate and RINO candidates.

It is why I have long maintained that conservatives need a new political party to represent them.

To that end, I would suggest that everybody check out the website for the Founders Party of America.

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