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Organize a ‘Just Say No’ protest in your city on Saturday, August 28th

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

Our friend Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots Action recently alerted us to the efforts of a broad coalition of conservative organizations who are joining together on August 28 to sponsor “Just Say No” to new mandates protests.

As Jenny Beth explained, Covid was a dream for wanna-be tyrants, and unfortunately, there are too many Americans whose identities are either wrapped up in virtue signaling and feeling morally superior to others, or who have been manipulated with panic porn and are willing to go along with the tyranny.

It's time to Just Say No: Say no to forced masking. Say no to lockdowns. Say no to forced vaccines. Say no to medical mandates.

America desperately needs you to step up and organize a “Just Say No” protest in your city on Saturday, August 28th. Don’t worry if you’ve never organized one before. Tea Party Patriots Action will help you every step of the way. They have a detailed how-to guide available for download, as well as multiple conference calls scheduled between now and August 28th.

We do not have the luxury of waiting to see how the Left’s latest push for totalitarian power will turn out. We do not have the luxury of going along with these mandates and hoping the next incursions on our basic human rights won’t be as bad.

As Jenny Beth wrote:

Do you think it will get easier to fight whatever is coming next?

Every step toward totalitarianism makes it harder to win the fight.

The time has come for you and I to Just Say No to medical mandates, and YES to liberty and freedom.

And the need to act now is not a scare tactic.

According to an AP report on Friday, the Biden administration has discussed mandating COVID-19 vaccines for interstate travel, and when confronted about the report issued this non-denial denial:

A White House official told Reuters reporter David Shepardson that “mandating vaccines for interstate travel is not under consideration at this moment.”

At the same time, CNBC reported that Biden is considering a vaccine mandate for all federal employees:

That’s under consideration right now,” Biden told reporters when asked if he would impose a vaccine mandate for all government workers.

While Biden is “considering” how and when to issue federal mandates, California and Washington issue vaccine mandates, becoming frontrunners in what appears to be a growing trend in Democrat-run America. Jeremy Wood, Nicholas McKinney, Tom Holt, and Alka Ramchandani-Raj reported on August 12, 2021:

On July 26, 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that his state will require all state employees and healthcare workers to provide proof of vaccination or be subject to regular COVID-19 testing. On August 5, 2021, the California Department of Public Health issued a public health order implementing the governor’s prior proclamation as it relates to healthcare workers in the state. This first-in-the-nation set of orders has since been followed by several state and local health officials, including Washington Governor Jay Inslee, who on August 9, 2021 announced his state’s mandate (Proclamation 21-14), which looks similar to California’s. Unlike California, however, Washington will not permit regular testing in lieu of vaccination; covered workers who cannot prove they are fully vaccinated by October 18, 2021, will be subject to non-disciplinary dismissal.

And taking their cue from the totalitarian impulses of Democrat governments, a growing number of major companies are exploring vaccine mandates for their employees:

"Vaccine requirements are going to become the norm, not the exception," said Constance Hunter, chief economist at KPMG told CNN.

In just the past few weeks, United Airlines, Google, Facebook, Tyson Foods, Equinox, Walmart and Disney announced plans to require at least part of their workforce to get vaccinated. WarnerMedia said Thursday that as of September 6 it will require proof of vaccination to enter US office buildings.

As Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government explained last week, in New York there are already two government-approved vaccine passport “apps” called Excelsior Pass and NYC Covid Safe.

Anyone who isn’t “approved” by these apps or who has official government paperwork will be BANNED from eating at restaurants, attending shows or going to the gym.

This is real. It is happening in America right now.

Once the passports are required, they WILL be used to record and regulate other activity as well.

And there is ZERO chance that Congress, and Biden-Harris won’t make this program a national requirement if we don’t stop them today.

The time to Just Say NO to any kind of “vaccine passport” is NOW. We urge all conservatives to be part of the Tea Party Patriots Action coalition and host or join a “Just Say No” protest on Saturday, August 28th and to use the ALG email tool to email their congressional delegation. We also urge you to call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044) to tell your Representative and Senators that you will refuse to participate in any anti-constitutional vaccine passport scheme and to demand they act to prohibit the federal government from creating or assisting in the creation of such a liberty-destroying regimen.

  • Tea Party Patriots

  • Just Say No protests

  • August 28

  • COVID mandates

  • lockdowns

  • mask mandates

  • vaccine mandates

  • medical mandates

  • interstate travel

  • corporate vaccine mandates

  • vaccine passports

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