TO: Conservative Grassroots Leaders
FROM: Richard A. Viguerie
DATE: September 20, 2022
RE: 5th Paul Revere Lantern
SUBJECT: Tell Your Neighbor that Nationalizing Conservative Issues Lifts All Republican Candidates

It is critical that you, as a key leader, remember that Republicans don’t always win elections where the issues addressed appeal to broad swaths of voters, but we do win when candidates nationalize their races around conservative issues that are near and dear to the hearts of liberty-loving American patriots who support the original intent of the Constitution.
Now is the time to rally every conservative you personally know to help win this war for the soul of our nation.
The Best and the Worst About Democrats
The Democrat Party is abusive, at best, and completely authoritarian nanny state Marxists, at worst. They decry “fascism” while doing the exact fascist things they claim are wrong! And this is happening on a national scale. This is not confined to the inner cities that have been under Democrat control for decades. No, they have taken the fight to every suburb and rural area—because they want to control who lives and breathes in every square inch of our land—as well as how they live and what they breathe.
Modern Democrats Deserve a Great Slogan
We have an incredible opportunity now to BRAND the Democrats. They kill cops, babies, and the elderly. They abuse children and immigrants. They tax like their lives depend on it and pocket the money for themselves and their “green” friends. Perhaps we need a new slogan for them that says, “Tax, Abuse, Murder—Our Democrats Do It All”.
Regardless, we must roll out our valid critiques of this toxic Democrat Party on a national scale. Can you think of a better slogan? Please send ideas our way! The more participation to BRAND them, the better!
Nationalize Conservative Issues in the Election—and WIN
The moral of the story is that Republicans never win without nationalizing elections around conservative issues. This is an important piece of political history to remember. One poor soul in New York recently lost his race because he listened to his Republican Party advisors who encouraged him to run a typical content-free campaign. He ignored the abortion issue that his winning opponent raised, and now we don’t know his name. More on key abortion talking points in our next Lantern report.
Please see our supporting materials linked here for helpful resources on nationalizing the upcoming elections around conservative issues.
We are being handed a huge gift right now—Democrats have never openly destroyed the business we do as a nation as badly as they have done in the last two years. They have set themselves up for attack—so we must boldly go for the jugular.
One big perk of helping fellow voters see what is really going on in our country: nationalizing elections around conservative issues lifts all Republican candidates. We will have huge wins across the board by simply shedding light onto darkness going into the Midterm 2022 and 2024 Presidential elections!
What You Can Do—Grab Your Megaphone of Choice!
Take action now! Share the truth about the Defund the Police, pro-crime, anti-rule of law, inflation-championing, children-indoctrinating, tax-hiking, open borders-loving Democrat Party! Share with your social media channels via blog post, podcast, or simple article re-posting. Forward this entire memo to family, friends, and neighbors whom you know to be conservative—and let them know they can easily sign up for these Lantern reports. Our research is here for your use as Paul Revere Lantern conservative leaders. Also, insist that the candidates you speak with nationalize our conservative issues in their respective races. Call into radio shows and voice your opinions.
We simply cannot afford to be the silent majority any longer...
We Must Lead Because Elected Republicans Generally Won’t
Here’s the cold, hard truth. Conservatives must be the ones to nationalize the election because the feckless Republicans in office, on the whole, won't. We cannot continue to let the Democrats frame the debate. We must take the gloves off and call them out for what they are doing to innocent, hardworking people across the board, of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. By exposing them, we make THEM the toxic ones.
The 2022 Midterm election is a referendum on the Democrats’ failed policies. And we must be the leaders that we expect the Republican establishment to be—knowing full well they, en masse, won’t step up to the plate.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to win big. We encourage you to share these truths liberally for the next 55 days before the election. Ride hard into the night and warn American voters what they will get if they continue to vote Democrat. By contrast, what we will lose if we are not successful in the next several years will have shockwaves for decades to come.
P.S. I’m sending the Paul Revere Lantern to 400,000 grassroots conservatives each week. However, in order to reach 100,000,000 voters 5 days a week with 15-20 new conservative news stories that the Big Media has kept from them, we’ll need to increase the number of conservatives receiving our daily Paul Revere Lantern to 5,000,000.
However, it will cost $8,700,000, and I will need your help.
Some can give a lot, others much less. But whatever you send will make a difference. No other conservative organization is doing what we’re doing. If we don’t raise the $8,700,000, tens of millions of voters won’t hear the truth before voting.
This project can help elect 5-10 more conservative U.S. House members, and several more U.S. Senators, governors, and hundreds of state legislators in tight races.
Because Paul Revere Lantern is a project of FedUp PAC, an independent expenditure PAC, we can accept donations of any amount, including corporate contributions.
P.P.S. By the way, the results of last week’s survey, as well as a new survey for grassroots conservative leaders are at our website,
2022 Elections
Control of Congress
border security
Republican establishment
Right to life
Critical Race Theory
illegal immigration
religious liberty
deep state
social conservatism
Second Amendment
gun confiscation
free speech
Glad to see this! So many of us have defaulted to only talking about issues online. Talking to neighbors about local issues is essential and keeps communities informed + SAFE
Maybe it's just me but see no help coming from the biden administration for Puerto Rico as Trump had poured countess dollars and supplies to the storm torn island, only to be made a fool out of by their democrat corrupt mayor, and press including Geraldo Rivera who flu down on his jet with a case of water, what a guy, where is the outrage for biden that offers no help to the island nation bans Puerto Ricans, Samoans, with the Supreme Court classifying them as aliens not entitled to any of our country benefits.Where is the outrage??? Where is the outrage from Latinos when biden offered no help to the Cubans when thet asked for it ??? yet he…
Not sure if the author is right here. Lindsey Graham's proposed federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks boomeranged right back at the GOP. The Republican Party is rapidly blowing the mid-terms on the abortion quagmire. The "red tidal wave" is starting to look like a small puddle. Not surprising seeing how they blew the 2018 and 2020 elections and handed Joe Biden the White House.