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The House GOP’s Greatest Failure

CHQ Staff

In just sixty-five days the Biden administration is set to sign two documents – treaties actually – that that will give the World Health Organization’s Director-General the power to

dictate our public health policy, crushing national sovereignty and medical freedom.

Remarkably, House Republicans earlier this year deleted funding for American participation in the WHO, but they apparently surrendered that position in the final appropriations bill to be voted on as early as today.


How is this going to work? Our friend Dr. Kat Lindley explains on X.

Let your representative know: Congress must reject appropriations that would do the opposite.

The World Health Organization (WHO), led by its Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, who owes his rise to the Chinese Communist Party, is finalizing documents that would allow the WHO to dictate global public health policy. The result will be a crushing of national sovereignty and individual medical freedoms in the United States and the world.

The WHO would accomplish this via a Pandemic Treaty and by amending International Health Regulations that would oblige the U.S. and 195 other nations to submit to whatever its Director-General deems to be an actual or potential “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC). All Member Countries must also carry out whatever the Director-General determines is the appropriate response. Such PHEICs can include perceived “health” emergencies other than pandemics, including for example: climate change, reproductive health, immigration, gun violence or even potential emergencies involving plants, animals or ecosystems.


After Tedros and the World Health Organization’s catastrophic mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is utterly unacceptable to give the WHO still more, let alone binding, control over our public health to impose the same measures—based on the China model—that failed so spectacularly last time. Considering the enormity of the stakes, preventing our country from being subjected to such medical tyranny masquerading as “global health and pandemic preparedness” has taken on critical urgency.

Neither instrument can be fixed, as they violate our Constitution and trample our rights as citizens of our federal democratic republic.


Consequently, if the United States is to be spared such an unacceptable surrender of its national sovereignty – with all that portends for its people, their freedoms, and well-being, Congress must insist that the United States exit the World Health Organization, defund its operations, and not be bound by any WHO treaties or regulations.


Thankfully, the House Appropriations Committee included two provisions in the State/Foreign Operations bill to defund the WHO and prevent any funds from going to the WHO to implement any international agreement, convention, protocol, or legal instrument until such document is ratified by a 2/3 vote of the United States Senate.


That provision MUST stay in the appropriations bill to be voted on as early as TODAY.


We need to act now to alert key leadership that we are watching the vote on March 22, which will determine whether the final State Department and Foreign Operations appropriations package retains the House-passed language to defund the World Health Organization and to require that the Pandemic Treaty be subject to a Senate Vote.


Please click this link and take two minutes to tell your Representative, Senators and Senate, House, and Appropriations leaders to defund the WHO and subject the pandemic treaty to a Senate review and vote.

  • World Health Organization funding

  • H.R. 2

  • World Health Organization

  • Centers for Disease Control

  • Digital Health Passports

  • Global Pandemic Treaty

  • Reggie Littlejohn

  • Treaty ratification

  • Biden administration

  • American sovereignty

  • Sovereignty coalition

  • American sovereignty declaration

  • Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus

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