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The Right Resistance: Kamala makeover won’t cover Democrats’ anti-democratic blemishes for long

We’ve all seen it – the bratty, but opportunistic “teacher’s pet” or sweet-talking co-worker who could finagle favors and special treatment from the boss even while blowing off his or her assignments and covering visible incompetence with a gift for schmoozing that would make the most skilled swindler blush.

Such people get ahead by playing to others’ weaknesses. Or, in our contemporary American culture, it’s DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) that propels the non-meritorious by virtue of immutable genetic characteristics, ancestry or the simple invention of a discriminated-against social classification that draws sympathy and charity from the gullible and easily fooled.


Enter Kamala Harris, the “new” Democrat presidential nominee-to-be who’s being given a (forgive the term) whitewashed makeover by her adoring party members and a cooperative establishment media. The past week and a half have been nauseating to witness by respectable citizens who care about truth – and good policy. But will the unmerited reverence encircling Kamala backfire on Democrats?


In an article titled “The Harris Coronation Risks Repeating the Biden Mistake”, W. James Antle III wrote at The American Conservative recently:


“…Biden was wrapped in layers of protection that Democrats and legacy media institutions decided to withdraw. Now that protective bubble is being installed around Harris.


“The Democrats’ rush to coronate Harris rather than have a competitive open convention is in many ways a repeat of foregoing a competitive primary process when the imperative was pushing Biden across the finish line. Democracy, its self-described defenders know, is messy. A chaotic convention, like a top-tier Biden primary opponent, might only weaken the incumbent or quasi-incumbent without producing a better nominee. A lack of competition means that any flaws of the favored candidate may not be litigated until it is too late, however.


“All of the people who pretended Biden was perfectly fine until the debate pierced that delusion are now singing Harris’s praises as a generational political talent on par with Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. The number of people who really believed the latter on July 20 isn’t much bigger than those who subscribed to the former on June 28.”


It’s true; Democrat delusions run deep and their blindness to the realities of public opinion and the true issues in campaign 2024 is pretty astonishing, really. It’s shocking to see their projected mirages about Harris the candidate, but it’s not surprising. All along his first three and a half years as president, commentators, myself included, reasoned that senile Joe was using cackling Kamala as an “insurance policy” against his critics gaining leverage on their calls for him to go away.


Now, Democrats are overcome with delirium through talking themselves into seeing something that isn’t there, namely a presidential candidate who will deliver them from the perils of running a competent opponent to Donald Trump. Kamala Harris ain’t it. She’s an idiot. Kamala’s campaign crew won’t be able to hide the fact for long. Or will they?


Besides, Democrats consistently overplay their popularity, which sometimes results in a backlash that ends up costing them at election time. Democrats think they’re better than they are; hideously small rally crowds and lack of authentic “noise” doesn’t deter them. As long as their campaign coffers are overflowing (with crooked leftist money raised by criminal enterprises such as ActBlue), Democrats assume they’re wildly well-regarded.


It's a ruse. A poorly hidden one at that. But Democrats have an important ally in their public relations snow job.


In addition to the fact that the establishment media is blatantly rooting for cackling Kamala and her down ballot Democrat colleagues to win in November and thus maintain the status quo power balance in Washington, the media industry desperately hopes the presidential horserace stays competitive for the next three-plus months.


Why? Aren’t reporters nonpartisan and impartial? They won’t admit to it, but I think what scares the journos and talkers the most is the distinct possibility that frontrunner Trump will not only keep up his solid poll showings – he’ll turn the contest into a landslide that will test their individual internal fortitude and force them to report on a historic occurrence that they personally and collectively detest.


Anyone recall Election Night in 2016, when the vote tallies from most swing states began showing comfortable Trump leads that persisted until late in the evening and pressed the establishment media to reluctantly declare that the outsider Republican had pulled off what they’d deemed impossible just a few hours before? One would’ve thought Americans were watching as the media talkers passed a stone in a particularly painful kidney episode, one which left them writing in pain and at the point of nausea as they did their job to relay the state totals.


This year is a bit different than 2016, as it’s Trump (not Crooked Hillary) who broke out to a semi-comfortable (at least in the Electoral College) lead over senile Joe Biden, and now, even with Kamala Harris supplanting Biden as Democrat presidential standard-bearer, she still trails the Republican they all hate.


Need a more recent example of Democrat fallacy? How about the June 27th presidential debate which was “moderated” by CNN news personalities Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. While I felt, overall, that Bash and Tapper did a passable job of posing the questions to Republican Trump and Democrat incumbent president senile Joe Biden, the CNN pair experienced difficulty masking their distaste for the manner in which the evening played out, with a “behaved” Trump making tons of faces but not going outside the boundaries of decorum while Biden… well, he was awful.


The prospect of a close race until the end will at least provide journalists and pundits with a glimmer of hope that the Election will break their way at the end, as it did in 2020 (thanks to a great many shenanigans). A razor thin margin in the final days will also give them cover for questionable procedural or process “changes” that are in the works.


As a number of Republicans have repeatedly argued, any Trump victory this fall must be beyond the 3-4 percentage point “margin of fraud” to rule out funny business.


Overconfidence, by and large, is a Democrat phenomenon, the reason being that arrogant liberals automatically assume they’re right on everything (most definitely including people and policies) as well as a supreme belief that their “machine” will carry them to victory no matter who they choose to run as a candidate.


Their excess juice isn’t necessarily unfounded. If Democrats were capable enough to ride a draft-dodging, “did not inhale” pot smoking, proven philanderer who sported a backwoods-y good ol’ boy accent who also seemed to revel in his reputation as a sleazy politician to victory in 1992… and then nominate a smooth-talking black guy with a feather-light resume who hung out with communist academics and America-hating clergymen… well, they think they can do anything.


Then there’s senile Joe Biden himself, a career swamp dweller who’s never had a real job, dabbled with unabashed segregationists, made innumerable racist comments, committed several gaffes an hour, has a drug-addict son who seemingly cohorts with any prostitute he could hire (and his dead brother’s widow) in addition to living large off of foreign business deals tied to his dad’s political offices, and, had two brain operations that were never fully accounted for… it explains the Democrats’ hubris and sense of invincibility in hoodwinking American voters.


Kamala Harris’s background looks tame by comparison to the shills and scumbags that Democrats have successfully snuck past the trusting but naïve American public. Or should I clarify – the uninformed low-information portion of the electorate that votes for the “coolest” candidate, and the one who spouts the most nonsense about leftwing causes, “rights” and fictions like voter suppression.


Senile Joe Biden’s age has disappeared as a factor in the 2024 race, but the establishment media has been trying its darndest to hide Kamala’s boatload of potential liabilities. Harris’s pre-Biden-announcement approval ratings didn’t come by accident. She’s earned them gaffe by gaffe and bungled appearance by bungled appearance over her time in politics. 


The fact is, I doubt anyone – even within Democrat circles – thought of Kamala Harris as a party savior until June 27th. There was much speculation, including by me, on who would possibly stand-in for senile Joe if he were removed. Somehow. But it was more like Democrats were openly pondering how they might get rid of Biden and Harris, since both of their approval numbers were so deeply under water.


How many times did Americans hear from Democrat “experts” who thought it impossible to ditch the incompetent embarrassment Kamala without alienating this or that Democrat voter constituency? If it’s said – and it’s true – that single women voters drive Democrat victories, how could they contemplate anointing a non-female, non-minority candidate?


The political pros argued that California’s Gavin Newsom or Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro (among others) would stack up better against Trump. Yet, when the moment arrived to finally purge senile Joe, the powers-that-be grabbed the nearest and easiest-to-install shiny object to cram down their voters’ gullets.


Can’t Democrats do better than Kamala Harris? Sheesh, Michelle Obama must actually not want to run, as it’s been reported for months. And perhaps the Clintons must have finally run out of electoral magic. Nancy Pelosi is too old and their “rising stars” like Trans Secretary Pete Buttigieg is… too gay?


DEI only gets you so far. Plus, running any Democrat in senile Joe Biden’s personal sphere would run the risk of tainting the candidate. Despite not endorsing cackling Kamala right away, it’s still the Obamas’ party, isn’t it?


Here’s thinking the Democrats would try to pass off any living, breathing human being as the best thing since sliced bread if they were desperate enough and the hour was getting late. Democrats are enjoying not having to worry about senile Joe Biden any longer. But, as James Antle III maintained, they could still regret not finding a replacement more worthy than Kamala Harris.

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  • Biden senile

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  • 2022 elections

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1 Comment

Aug 01

Kamala will do just fine as long as she stays on the teleprompter. As soon as she has to respond in some unscripted forum, she will show her true colors and turn off a significant portion of those who currently revere her. Time is short, but it will happen.

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