“What goes up, must come down…”
Fans of 1960’s and 70’s classic rock will definitely remember the song “Spinning Wheel” by the one-hit wonder (or at least that’s the only one I recall from them) group Blood, Sweat and Tears, which opens with the immortal words denoted in the previous paragraph and then proceeds to psychedelically describe the ups and downs in life to give the tune a much deeper though nearly impossible-to-discern meaning.
Sure, the song’s writer (lead singer David Clayton-Thomas) had likely ingested chemical brain stimulants (translation: drugs) to give the lyrics their confusing lack of focus (painted ponies???), but somehow, he and his bandmates hit on something which has lasted quite a long time despite not really being noteworthy past its breathtaking starter sequence.
“Spinning Wheel” kind of mirrors what’s going on in the world of politics today, where up is down, down is up, boundaries and limits don’t really exist and both parties’ candidates struggle to settle on a strategy that will provide an advantage in a contest that promises to be uncomfortably close in November.
The Blood, Sweat and Tears’ singer from more than half a century ago could just as well have been describing the very contemporary poll standing of Democrat presidential nominee cackling Kamala Harris, a politician so lacking in talent and charisma – and an agenda – so as to make it baffling that she’s improved on the standing of current president senile Joe Biden at all. One senses that Democrats were certainly searching for something to be happy about for the last year or so as they witnessed their incumbent president stubbornly refuse to not run for reelection, and then watch the “spinning wheel” of American politics propel him into a certain-to-be-doomed matchup with Republican former president Donald J. Trump.
Harris’s rapid ascension has seemed too good to be true, and Republicans and conservatives troubled by the polls should keep in mind that what goes up must come down. Unless you’re in outer space, but then you drift off according to whatever physical properties govern your direction.
Is cackling Kamala on a high destined for a low? In a newsletter piece titled “The Kamala Harris boom and bust cycle”, the always astute and on-point political analyst Byron York reported at the Washington Examiner last week:
“GOP strategists might take heart in what could be called the Harris boom-and-bust cycle, established the only other time Harris ran for national office. She was a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but her campaign began and ended in 2019. Still, in one brief period, she shot up from back in the pack to close to the lead, only to disappear just as quickly...
“[A] significant part of Harris’s rise appears due to new support from independent voters. A recent CBS News poll in July found Trump leading Biden among independents 54% to 44%. Now, Harris is tied with Trump among independents, 49% to 49%. It is those voters who might become disillusioned with Harris. If they switched from Trump to Harris in recent polls, they might switch again.
“Of course, Democrats are determined to make sure that doesn’t happen. Why do you think Harris has not taken a single question from a journalist since Biden endorsed her and she became the instant presumptive nominee on July 22? Harris is doing rallies, speaking off a teleprompter. She’s appearing with her new running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN). But she’s not going into any situation where she might face some unexpected factor, and her reaction might offer voters a closer look at her as a person and a candidate. That is what happens in the long, grueling process of running for president. This time, after the Big Democratic Switch, party strategists know that if they can just keep Harris away from any unexpected exposure, away from any surprises, the honeymoon might keep going for 90 days, long enough for Harris to win.”
This is precisely what Democrats count on happening. No one should give Democrats more than a smidgen of credit for forward-thinking scheming, but like the drug-inspired “spinning wheel” song, all they care about is the “high” from the here and now. Democrats are doubly giddy from the fact they were able to dump senile Joe Biden so cleanly and then enjoy an immediate “bump” for the Harris candidacy that got them even with Trump – or even outside the margin of error ahead.
Yet they lack sustainable fuel for their campaign. One look at cackling Kamala’s rallies shows that the Democrat party spinners will have trouble maintaining the enthusiasm of the now when a couple months pass and they’re still stuck with below average political talent (and this includes both cackling Kamala and “Tampon Tim” Walz, a truly offensive and frightful liar of his own right).
York details how cackling Kamala’s “boom/bust cycle” went from vaulting her to the top tier of Democrat primary candidates in 2019 and then seeing her bubble burst just a few months later. Harris rested on the fact she was a new minority female face in a field dominated by two caustic pale-as-a-ghost dinosaurs (senile Joe Biden and crazy Bernie Sanders), which caused a good number of liberals to give someone else a look.
This included idiot hypocrite liar Beto O’Rourke, who also couldn’t ride his climate hysteria/gun grabbing platform to lasting success. Simply put, substance-less cackling Kamala and stupider-than-heck “Beto” were unable to inject anything new into their campaigns because… well, they couldn’t think of anything to make themselves appear more attractive.
Several commentators have noted the fact that cackling Kamala doesn’t mention the word “inflation” in her prepared speeches, and also largely avoids details on foreign policy in her presentations as well. Sooner or later persuadable American voters (i.e., independents) will catch up to the ruse and demand answers for the economic sludge that’s resulted from four years of awful policies from senile Joe and Harris herself.
I don’t want to question Donald Trump’s political wisdom, but I’m glad he reconsidered accepting the September 10 presidential debate on ABC – and proposed two others -- where, presumably, Kamala won’t be permitted to get away with simply talking about being “for the middle class” and will be prompted to offer substantive explanations if she shows up.
Democrat voters don’t care how much their candidate lies, distorts, cackles, denies, deflects or projects. They just hate Donald Trump, period.
But those non-affiliated voters care. The Kamala show may be new and interesting but its staying power is limited. Next week Democrats will convene in Chicago to spend the better part of four days talking about how horrible Trump is, just like they did in 2020. Democrats will no doubt have culled all the video from January 6, 2021 to depict the red, white and blue-clad Trump supporters as “insurrectionists” and portray Democrats as saviors of the republic. And “democracy”, too.
Democrats are similarly laying the groundwork to claim that anyone who discovers and highlights irregularities in this year’s election is an enemy of the state. The rapidly deteriorating senile Joe Biden himself said that he’s “not confident” that there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Democrats are the declared winners. Again. This serves as a warning that Kamala and crew are gearing up to smear Trump supporters who won’t sit passively and take it that such an unqualified ticket came out ahead.
What is this, Venezuela? Will people buy the snow job?
Democrats are already putting full effort into boasting that Kamala running mate “Tampon Tim” Walz is a military hero for his “24 years of service”, but, similar to the Swift Boat Veterans campaign of 2004 against John Kerry, the truth will eventually be brought to light. Walz hasn’t been asked about his last-minute “retirement” from the national guard purportedly to run for Congress and thus avoid being sent to Iraq with his long-time unit. Veterans know better. And they won’t be happy.
Walz also seems proud of his familiarity with communist China as though it’s something that will send fence-sitters closer to the Democrat banner. I doubt there are many Americans who are wild about Walz’s intimately associating with America’s greatest global rival, even if the Minnesotan has couched his experience in critical language. Is Walz just stupid, or is he purposely trying to tank the Democrats’ chances in November?
Needless to say, there are a lot of unknowns about Harris and Walz that are yet to be discovered. Cackling Kamala was interrupted by pro-Hamas protesters during her event in Michigan last week and that scenario is sure to be repeated hundred-fold in Chicago next week.
Here’s thinking that Kamala’s “boom cycle” will start losing its essence by the end of this month. The Democrats will overdo it at their convention – which always happens – and the American public will be reminded, again, of how destructive the Obama and Biden years have been on culture, the government’s bottom line and the Democrat ticket’s absence of actual solutions to go along with their Trump-is-the-devil/Hitler rhetoric.
Harris and Walz will continue to be supported by nearly all Democrats, but the middle twenty percent, as surveys continue to show, put a lot more stock into what’s happening in the economy and at the southern border than they do about platitudes and hyperbole stemming from The Evil Party and the discredited establishment media.
What goes up must come down unless there’s something to sustain it.
Common sense says the more people see of airy cackling Kamala and her offensive, insulting running mate the less they’ll like them. One survey found that Harris’s approval ratings improved by twelve points in one month. Really? That big of a switch in the span of a few weeks? Has she personally improved THAT much?
One month ago today Donald Trump was wounded in a failed assassination attempt (no thanks to the leadership of the Secret Service). Have Americans lost their minds? Or is it a boom waiting for the bust?
With the American public as divided as it is now – and has been for decades – it’s highly doubtful that Kamala Harris and “Tampon Tim” Walz can count on the “boom” cycle lasting indefinitely. Democrats always show their true colors if given the proper amount of exposure. What goes up – the Democrats’ polling bump – must come down. Can’t wait for it to happen.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz
Fuehrer Barry the Fairy Obama is the one really running the show for Willie Brown's ex-girlfriend. So he doesn't really care what the polls say or even how well she does in a debate with President Trump. What he's counting on is being able to steal the election for her like they did in 2020. And as Stalin is reported to have said, "It doesn't matter how many people voted or how they vote. What matters is who counts the votes." And to give the devil his due, liberals aka Socialists aka Communists have the art of stealing elections down to a science.