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The Treason At Our Southern Border

Friends in Texas alerted us to a Facebook post by Kelly Perry, President of the Kinney County Republican Women, she is in Brackettville, which is on the border, Del Rio, site of the International Bridge is 30 miles west.

Good Morning KCRW! So if you have not looked at Del Rio Facebook you might want to take a look. There are 6000 illegals under bridge and 20,000 coming. The Border Patrol is being moved from the Rio Grande Valley to Del Rio. They need to find housing for 100 Border Patrol. If you can offer help in any way, please call Rhonda. They prefer hunting lodges but they will need rooms if not. Thanks for stepping up if possible!

Attention KCRW!

With 6000 waiting to be processed and 20,000 coming into Del Rio to arrive today. We have a mess on our hands. Not to mention a giant Covid machine. These people don’t have food, water, not to mention enough restrooms. They are probably 50% infected.

My question? How in the world did authorities miss this??? How can this be a surprise??

I’ve watched them coming in line for months now. They are coming to this area because the warring cartel factions from Laredo to the valley is too dangerous. The cartels are stealing the migrants from each other to extort them.

What a mess! No one saw this coming???”

Kelly Perry’s Facebook post was confirmed on Twitter by Charlotte Cuthbertson, reporting for the Epoch Times.

Bill Melugin of Fox News LA subsequently posted this tweet and video:

And this is now apparently real news, because The Washington Post, one of Biden’s chief sources of media aircover, has begun to report on it:

Illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border remained at decades-high levels last month despite the scorching summer heat, as authorities detained 208,887 migrants in August, according to enforcement data released Wednesday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

It was the first month since President Biden took office that the number of border arrests did not increase, but the August figure was only a 2 percent decline from July, when 212,672 were taken into custody, a 21-year high. CBP has stopped more than 1.2 million border crossers since Biden took office.

When border arrests rose sharply this spring, the president said the increase was consistent with normal seasonal patterns. But crossings have continued to soar regardless of the extreme weather, and U.S. border authorities have struggled to cope with the health, humanitarian and security challenges of the historic influx, particularly as families and children account for a growing share of crossings.

The Washington Post further reported that:

The latest CBP data shows the percentage of migrants returned to Mexico under Title 42 has continued to decline, and in August, only 44 percent of those taken into custody were processed under that authority.

Of the 86,487 family unit members who were detained in August, just 19 percent were sent back under Title 42, the data show. Most are released into the United States and allowed to make humanitarian claims under U.S. law.

Got that? Most of these illegal aliens have been transported to a Border Patrol station, “processed” and released. Meaning they are now at large in America to take American jobs, overwhelm our hospitals and schools and spread the COVID virus in their wake.

The words “crisis” and “disaster” do not describe the illegal alien invasion happening at our southern border right now, because those words imply some sort of unanticipated phenomenon beyond the control of those in charge – and this is not an unanticipated phenomenon – it is planned and directed by the Joe Biden administration, and it is treason, not a crisis.

  • Brackettville Texas

  • Del Rio

  • border wall

  • illegal immigration

  • Biden immigration policy

  • COVID-19

  • Vaccine mandates

  • cartels

  • border patrol

  • Title 42

  • Returned to Mexico

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