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Jeffrey A. Rendall
May 19, 20216 min read
The Right Resistance: Phony folksy Joe leaves us wondering who is the real manager in charge
Can I speak to a manager, please? How many times have you been on the phone trying to accomplish what should’ve been a mundane task and...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
May 18, 20216 min read
The Right Resistance: Don’t be fooled, the liberal mask gestapo will never relent on mandates. Ever.
It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time, and not long ago, it was considered unattractive and abhorrent if not socially...
161 views8 comments

Jeffrey A. Rendall
Apr 26, 20215 min read
The Right Resistance: How does the battle in Congress compare to that for 12th century Jerusalem?
If you’ve ever watched a motion picture that depicts the clash of armies in the old, old days -- at least before airborne bombing runs...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Mar 11, 20215 min read
The Right Resistance: Halfway to a hundred days, Joe Biden’s America teeters on disaster
Being president is hard, isn’t it? Or to further clarify, being Joe Biden and being president at the same time is mighty demanding. Sure,...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Mar 10, 20215 min read
The Right Resistance: Media’s Cuomo duplicity exposes the left’s hypocrisy on lives mattering
Do all lives matter? And, is everyone equal? Consider: a decade ago, if someone suggested that all lives didn’t necessarily matter...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Mar 4, 20215 min read
The Right Resistance: Did Donald Trump’s Twitter ban save his political career from himself?
For you parents out there (including dog lovers), how many times did you take something away from your child and have his or her conduct...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Mar 2, 20215 min read
The Right Resistance: Obama, ‘white resistance’ and the Democrat party’s race obsession
Straight from the horse’s mouth: white supremacists (or more succinctly, “white resistance”) prevented former president Barack Obama from...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Jan 20, 20218 min read
Assault on America, Day 749: Death, (more) taxes and other certainties of a Joe Biden presidency
Death, (more) taxes and executive orders are certainties under President Joe Biden An old saying goes that the only certain things in...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Jan 7, 20218 min read
Assault on America, Day 736: Precedents, presidents and the struggle over who goes first
This isn’t the way I never thought I’d say this, but I agreed with Chris Wallace yesterday. Watching the video images of (alleged) Trump...
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Special to CHQ by George Rasley | 8/14/20
Oct 21, 20203 min read
Three Big Reasons Trump Will Be Reelected (3 of 3)
There are lots of reasons President Trump is likely to be reelected – some are purely technical political campaign reasons and others are...
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Jeffrey A. Rendall
Oct 12, 20208 min read
Assault on America, Day 650: Why the (heck) isn’t Biden asked about repudiating Colin Kaepernick?
If Democrats love Colin Kaepernick’s cause so much, shouldn’t they openly embrace him? Despite the utter absence of evidence that...
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