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Biden and Democrat Governors Conspire to Kill More Babies

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Leftwing news outlet Axios reports President Joe Biden will meet today with the governors of states where abortions will remain legal after the authority to regulate abortion was properly returned to the states by the Supreme Court's recent Dobbs decision.

In the wake of Dobbs, the Biden administration announced a plan to counter the ruling. It aims to "increase access" to FDA-approved abortion pills, among other steps, reported Axios' Oriana Gonzalez and Mike Allen.

Abortion will immediately become illegal in at least 13 states after the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and more will likely quickly follow suit, Axios' Oriana Gonzalez reports. Lawmakers in Democrat-controlled states responded to Dobbs by quickly approving measures to allow women and doctors to continue to kill babies. Some are also advancing legislation to expand abortion access to prepare for an anticipated influx of out-of-state patients who are seeking to kill their baby.

California and Vermont are going even further by making abortion access a constitutional right. Making baby-killing a constitutional right in the state is the Democrats’ preferred alternative since state constitutions are "by design" "very hard to amend," Jessica Arons, senior policy counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, told Axios.

In that effort the Far Left is consciously trying to put abortion beyond the reach of the electorate. "You can pass a bill that codifies abortion rights ... but if a future election changes the political makeup of the legislature and who's in the governor's office, then they could repeal the statute that has codified abortion rights."

Additionally, Arons explained that courts can "invalidate" a state law, but not a constitutional amendment because they are "bound" by that document.

In Alaska, Florida, Kansas, Montana and New Mexico, abortion access is protected by state Supreme Court precedent, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights. But those precedents may fall in the next few months as Florida and other states enact reasonable restrictions, such as Florida’s 15-week limit.

Democrat-controlled states are also considering bills that would require insurance policies to provide abortion coverage.

As of May 5, 86 bills to restrict or outright ban the procedure have been introduced in 31 states this year alone, according to Guttmacher Institute data. Eight bans have been enacted in 2022, with two being blocked by lower courts.

"Out of all the proposed bans, anti-abortion policymakers have been focusing primarily on three types" per the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. Those are bans on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, "Texas-style" bans at around 6 weeks or less into a pregnancy, enforced via private lawsuits of abortion providers and patients, and "trigger" bans that will go into effect if the Supreme Court were to overturn or weaken Roe.

Wyoming is the latest state to enact a "trigger" law. There are currently 13 states with such laws.

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision, abortion has already become illegal in Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma and South Dakota.

Louisiana's and Utah's "trigger" laws took effect immediately after the Supreme Court's decision, but they have been temporarily blocked by state courts.

The "trigger" laws in Idaho, Tennessee and Texas say that they take effect a month after the Supreme Court's judgment overturning Roe is issued. In Mississippi, the law is set to take effect 10 days after being certified by the state's attorney general, who did so on June 27.

The laws in Wyoming and North Dakota require some sort of state action in order for them to take effect. As of June 27, officials in those states have yet to take steps to activate the bans.

The big picture: Four states — Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee and West Virginia — have amended their state constitutions to prohibit any protections for abortion rights.

Oklahoma enacted a bill in late April that would modify the language of the trigger law to ban abortions if the court “overrules in whole or in part” Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Several other states don't have trigger laws in place but will likely move quickly to ban or tightly restrict the procedure now that the court has cleared the way: Florida, Indiana, Montana and Nebraska would be prime candidates, according to analysis from the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research organization.

Alabama, Georgia, Iowa, Ohio and South Carolina have all enacted restrictive laws that were then blocked by federal courts, and some of them have already been brought back.

A state constitution that creates a “right” to kill a baby is monstrous on its face – on par, in our view, with a state constitution that granted the “right” to its residents to make slaves of other human beings. Those states, and the Democrat politicians who dominate them, are about to make themselves infamous in the eyes of all right-thinking people. A state in which there is a “right” to kill a baby is a moral pariah. We urge conservatives, especially conservatives who reside in those states, to begin immediately to oppose and defeat those outrages against our Nation’s long-established Judeo-Christian moral foundation.

  • Roe v. Wade overturned

  • Justice Samuel Alito

  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization

  • Joe Biden

  • abortion

  • Roe v. Wade

  • Fourteenth Amendment

  • Federalism

  • State legislatures

  • raw judicial power

  • Constitution

  • potential life

  • precedent

  • FDA-approved abortion pills

  • Judge Christine Weems

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Jul 04, 2022

Blue states can have all the child killers they want. We'll be happy to trade ours for their conservative, constitutional types. Let's see who gets the better deal!


Jul 01, 2022

Democrats love infanticide. Elections have consequences. I hope all those Biden voters realize what these Democrats they elect are committed to doing--killing unborn babies . . .

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