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Fake Conservative Organization Funded By Dominion Energy Backs Democrat McAuliffe

CHQ Staff

The Democrats’ Far Left Candidate for Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, promised he would not take any money from Dominion Energy, the energy giant that is a key player in Richmond’s good old boy network culture of corruption.

But as one might expect that was another McAuliffe lie, unless you call laundering $200,000 through a phony PAC telling the truth.

Lachlan Markay of Axios has broken the story that Dominion's political action committee has donated $200,000 to a murky political group called Accountability Virginia PAC, a group with ties to prominent Democrats that's been running ads attacking Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin from the right.

As Mr. Markay reported back in September, Accountability Virginia's online donation page is hosted by the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue. Its bank account is at Amalgamated Bank, a labor union-owned financial institution popular with Democratic political groups.

The PAC was incorporated in Virginia by compliance consultants at the MBA Consulting Group, which works uniformly with Democrats.

Its ads on Snapchat were purchased by Gambit Strategies, a firm founded this year by the Biden presidential campaign's digital director and the former head of Democratic super PAC Priorities USA.

Mr. Markay reported Dominion provided four cash infusions for Accountability Virginia totaling $250,000 from July through September, according to a quarterly financial report filed this month.

It's the most the company has given to any statewide political committee in Virginia this year, according to disclosures on its website.

Accountability Virginia PAC's messaging and tactics have nothing to do with energy or environmental policy, or even the general business climate in the state, noted Markay. Instead, the group has run social media ads questioning Youngkin's commitment to gun rights.

The ads have largely targeted western Virginia, where Republicans are most heavily concentrated. Despite hitting Youngkin from the right, all indications point to Democrats being behind the group.

So, McAuliffe isn’t taking the money directly from Dominion, he’s laundering it through a fake conservative organization to attack real conservative Glenn Youngkin.

And this isn’t the first time McAuliffe has played this game reported Axios.

McAuliffe has said from the outset of the 2021 race that he would not accept Dominion contributions, a pledge he also made during his unsuccessful 2009 gubernatorial run. However, during his successful 2013 bid he took #75,000 from Dominion and another $50,000 for his lavish inaugural party.

And McAuliffe’s running mate, Far Left Delegate Hala Ayala, played the same lying game, first swearing-off Dominion money and then taking a six-figure stash of cash from the good old boys at Dominion.

Trying to justify the lie Ayala said, “People change their minds all the time," but most Virginians call making a promise and then doing the opposite lying, not changing your mind.

We urge our friends in Virginia to generate a massive turnout for the November 2 General Election for principled limited government constitutional conservative Republican Glenn Youngkin for Governor of Virginia. Send a message to the good old boys in Richmond and their Democrat bagman Terry McAuliffe that Virginians are done with their lying and their money laundering.

  • Virginia Governor's race

  • Glenn Youngkin

  • Terry McAuliffe

  • Accountability Virginia PAC

  • Dominion Energy

  • parental rights

  • School curriculum

  • Critical Race Theory

  • Sexually explicit materials

  • parental notification

  • McAuliffe vetoes

  • Teachers unions

  • Virginia Education Association (VEA)

  • Scott Smith daughter rape

  • Delegate Hala Ayala

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13 nov 2024

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Mi piace

19 ott 2021

There is nothing the left won't do to muddy the waters against Republicans. If this Dominion deal doesn't work, they'll find some other way to steal the election, including voter fraud and ballot fraud. McAuliffe has told parents of school age children to go pound sand. I sure hope voters have heard about that, but I fear many haven't. What a sad state of affairs.

Mi piace

18 ott 2021

Republicans should be doing to Democrats what Democrats are doing to Republicans.

Namely, while the Democrats are attacking Glen Youngkin in select western counties of Virginia on 2nd Amendment issues , the Republicans should attack McAuliffe on his support for the abolition of local zoning laws , particularly the Democrat led effort to abolish single family housing zones .. There are many wealthy Democrats living in the counties immediately surrounding DC . McAuliffe's support of the zoning abolition agenda would render their homes much lower in value . Good zoning protects home values and , quality of life . McAuliffe's support of the abol…

Mi piace
18 ott 2021
Risposta a

Republicans need to learn how to fight dirty like Democrats--assuming they want to win elections. At this point, I am not sure how much they really want to . . . especially when viewed in light of the 2018 and 2020 elections. (Their gains in Congress notwithstanding. That was an unintended-for fluke.)

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James Bryson
James Bryson
18 ott 2021

McAuliffe is Irish for "untrustworthy scumbag".

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